Smoking-Related Lung Disease

Howard Mann, M.D.

University of Utah School of Medicine

URL: Lung Disease


Common diseases

  • COPD
  • Langerhan’s Cell Histiocytosis
  • Pulmonary accumulation of smoker’s macrophages
  • Smoking-Related Interstitial Fibrosis
  • Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema Syndrome

Rare association

  • Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia

Smoking-related lung cancer will be covered separately.


Clinical definition1

Lung disease characterized by chronic obstruction of lung airflow that interferes with normal breathing and is not fully reversible.

1. Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD)

Pulmonary Funtion Testing – measured parameters

Total Lung Capacity

Increased RV (a static lung volume) in COPD

Spirometry in the diagnosis of COPD

COPD and associated conditions

Chronic Bronchitis

The presence of a chronic productive cough for 3 months in each of 2 successive years, provided that other causes of chronic cough have been ruled out


Destruction of alveolar walls and the permanent enlargement of the airspaces distal to the terminal bronchioles, without obvious fibrosis


Reversible smooth muscle contraction that narrows the airway lumen, limiting expiratory airflow and resulting in symptoms including wheeze, cough, and exertion dyspnea

COPD phenotypes

  • Airway-dominant phenotype

  • Emphysema-dominant phenotype

  • Mixed phenotype

We can make these distinctions on CT.

Hyperinflation in COPD

The effects on lung volumes correlate well with functional capacity and symptoms

Static hyperinflation

  • diminished elastic recoil of emphysematous lung
  • significant in severe bullous emphysema

Dynamic hyperinflation

  • inability to exhale all inspired air through narrowed airways

Emphysema-dominant COPD phenotype – Radiography

Emphysema-dominant phenotype – CT

Emphysema-dominant phenotype – radiography and CT

Airway-dominant COPD phenotype – CXR

Airway-dominant COPD phenotype – CT

Note: bronchial wall thickening

Comparison between emphysema- and airway-dominant COPD

Langerhan’s Cell Histiocytosis

What are Langerhan’s Cells ?

  • dendritic antigen-presenting cells
  • migrate from bone marrow to skin and lungs
  • histiocytes are tissue-resident macrophages
  • chracteristic morphology and cell surface receptors: CD1a; S-100; langerin (CD207)

The evolution of pulmonary histiocytosis (PLCH) accounts for the imaging findings:

  • nodules reflective of cellular proliferation – often stellate-shaped
  • cavitation in nodules
  • formation of irregularly-shaped cystic spaces >> chronic “burned-out” disease that looks like panlobular emphysema

Nodular PLCH

Nodular PLCH

Key Points

  • Nodules of PLCH are typically upper-lobe predominant.
  • MIPS images may reveal additional subcentimeter nodules

Nodular and cystic PLCH

Note the predominant involvement of the upper lungs.

How would you report this radiograph ?

The corresponding CT

The very definition of an Aunt Minnie

  • Nothing (!) else looks like this.

Nothing else – really!

Another Aunt Minnie

When the cystic disease of PLCH is very bad.

Challenge case

Pulmonary accumulation of smoker’s macrophages

It’s a matter of how many I put there with my macrophage spray can

Terminology that is deserving of abandonment

Should we really discard DIP ?


We need to pursue meaningful precision

Smoker’s Lung

Suggested reporting terminology

“Findings of Smoker’s Lung are present in the form of: centrilobular emphysema in the upper lungs and patchy pulmonary ground glass opacities, consistent with accumulation of Smoker’s Macrophages and, possibly, Smoking-Related Interstitial Fibrosis.”

Smoker’s Lung – example two

Smoker’s Lung – example three

Combined emphyema and fibrosis syndrome